Germany /
Events in Cologne
- Sport
- NCAA Basketball
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- Theatre
- Musicals
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- Concerts
- Pop
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- Country
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- Festivals
01099 Köln
01099 Köln
Alan Walker Düsseldorf
Alan Walker Düsseldorf
Alexander Knappe Köln
Alexander Knappe Köln
Alligatoah Dortmund
Alligatoah Dortmund
Anastacia Düsseldorf
Anastacia Düsseldorf
Top Venues in Cologne
- Westfalenhalle
- Rudolf Weber-Arena
- Rudolf Weber-Arena
- Carlswerk Victoria
- Rudolf Weber-Arena
- Rudolf Weber-Arena
- Carlswerk Victoria
- Open Air am Tanzbrunnen
- Luxor
- Tonhalle
- Carlswerk Victoria
- SparkassenPark MG
- Biggesee
- Mitsubishi Electric Halle
- Lanxess Arena
- Westfalenhalle/ Halle 1
- E-Werk
- PSD Bank Dome
- Rudolf Weber-Arena
- Rudolf Weber-Arena
- Mitsubishi Electric Halle
- Carlswerk Victoria
- Carlswerk Victoria
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