21 events in all locations
- O2 Guildhall Southampton, Southampton, HAM, GB
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- Liverpool Philharmonic Hall, Liverpool, Lancashire, GB
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- Stockton Globe, Stockton-on-Tees, England, GB
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- Victoria Hall, Stoke On Trent, Staffordshire, GB
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- Eastbourne Congress Theatre, Eastbourne, SXE, GB
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- New Theatre Peterborough, Peterborough, England, GB
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- We back every order
- Tickets are original and will arrive in time for the event
- Full refund if the event is cancelled and not rescheduled
- Customer service all the way out to your seat
Boyzlife tour venues
- Usher Hall
- Liverpool Philharmonic Hall
- Plaza Theatre Stockport
- Victoria Theatre Halifax
- Stockton Globe
- New Theatre Cardiff
- Victoria Hall
- Princess Theatre Torquay
- Bath Forum
- Warwick Arts Centre
- Connexin Live
- Engine Shed
- O2 Guildhall Southampton
- New Theatre Peterborough
- Watford Colosseum
- Gordon Craig Theatre
- G Live Guildford
- Assembly Hall Worthing
- Brentwood Centre
- Central Theatre Chatham
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